The Peregrina j. Integerrima From Cuba

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Jatropha - a bioenergy crop for the poor

jatropha, (genus jatropha curcas), member of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae), native in both New World and Old World tropics and containing about 175 species of milky-juiced herbs, shrubs, and trees, some useful for their oils or as ornamental plants in tropical gardens.

A garden curiosity is tartogo, or gouty jatropha (J. podagrica), from Guatemala and Honduras; it has a short trunk that is swollen at the base, erect red clusters of small flowers borne most of the year, and three- to five-lobed palmate (fanlike) leaves. The coral plant (J. multifida) from South America is outstanding for its huge, deeply cut, 11-lobed leaves on plants, 3 m (10 feet) tall, bearing small, of flowers.

The peregrina (J. integerrima) from Cuba, about 5 m tall with spadelike leaves sharply lobed at the base, bears crimson flower clusters the year round. J. berlandieri, a perennial 30 cm (12 inches) tall distributed from Texas to Central America, is characterized by long-stalked, purple flowers.

The barbados nut (J. jatropha curcas), with yellow-green flowers and three- to five-lobed leaves on trees 6 m tall from Mexico and Central America, produces seeds from which cooking oil, soap, and a strong purgative are obtained. The seeds themselves are eaten if thoroughly roasted to remove the poison. The lac (a resinous substance) produced by a scale insect that feeds on the leaves is used to make a fine varnish for guitars.